
"Money appreciation"??

Posted by Visionary Prophetess Gugulethu Michellin on Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Mysteries of this generations

God sees it all

Posted by Visionary Prophetess Gugulethu Michellin on Sunday, 13 September 2020

The GOD vision will come to pass regardless

The GOD vision will surely come to pass in your life regardless of circumstances.

I know I look tired because I am tired it's been a busy weekend however the message is fresh pls focus on the message!

Posted by Visionary Prophetess Gugulethu Michellin on Sunday, 13 September 2020

sangoma/ rituals/ancestral ceremonies/ dreaming of the dead

This vedio is for people who have been told that they have a calling to be a sangoma,
a medium, a sorcery or if you are already one, pls watch with an understanding, this is not to offend but to share the true light of GOD

Posted by Visionary Prophetess Gugulethu Michellin on Wednesday, 26 August 2020

The blood of JESUS CHRIST is powerful to raise, destroy and elevate. It's all about HIS kingdom advancement….the harvest is plenty…
More pics to be uploaded on my website…not by power, not by might but by the spirit of the living GOD!

Posted by Visionary Prophetess Gugulethu Michellin on Thursday, 26 July 2018

This is how you get that thing that you have been praying for but until then life will remain complicated!

(Pls mind my twin toddlers with their precious screams they mariculously 😅😇🤫 followed me to my home office and stood right next to my door to play hide and seek 🥰🤗❤) and I couldn't stop recording…I guess you had to hear those screams so that you can understand the gift of being a MOTHER. Big ups to all Mothers out there!!

Posted by Visionary Prophetess Gugulethu Michellin on Thursday, 27 August 2020

Dangers of posting your children's pictures on Facebook/Social Media

Posted by Visionary Prophetess Gugulethu Michellin on Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Woman to woman

What are you sowing…What are you planting? Woman to woman

Posted by Visionary Prophetess Gugulethu Michellin on Monday, 10 August 2020

Posted by Visionary Prophetess Gugulethu Michellin on Friday, 2 November 2018